We as a matter of policy source only the best quality products from the market. We ensure that the products we import are strictly according to the specification of the buyers. This ensures that our products have a higher rate of acceptability in the market as they are closer to the expectation of the buyers. Our team of specialized professionals selects the right kind of vendors and procures the best quality materials from them. They leave no stone unturned in ensuring that only a flawless product reaches the market so that our standards of excellence do not go down at any cost.
A well proven track record for consistent high quality product reliable supply consistently confirming to standard quality and norms of the industry along with timely delivery and prompt attention to customers needs have ensured us a steady growth. The groups prime aspiration is to maintain it’s pre-eminence in meeting the needs of its valuable customers in a cost effective and professional basis.

Antimony Igot We are the popular exporter, importer, supplier and trader a wide collection of Antimony Metal in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It is processed under the supervision of our professionals.

Bismuth Trioxide
We are the largest exporter, importer, supplier and trader of Bismuth Trioxide in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Bismuth trioxide is commercially made from bismuth subnitrate. The latter is produced by dissolving bismuth in hot nitric acid.
Cobalt Powder
We commence our business operation as a renowned exporter, importer, supplier and trader of Cobalt powder in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Available with us is a wide gamut of Cobalt, which is procured from the certified vendors after doing extensive market research.
Ferro Molybdenum
Our organization is an extremely famous and well-established company in Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Ferro Molybdenum in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Which is used in alloys of steel to increase the hardness and durability of stainless steel.
Ferro Niobium
We are among the distinguished names in the industry, engaged in Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Ferro Niobium in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Apart from this, these scraps are processed using highly advanced technology and modern machinery.
Ferro Phosphorous
With the help of our experts, we are Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Ferro Phosphorous in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Procured from well-known and trusted processors, these are in compliance with international quality standards.
Ferro Silicon
We are Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Ferro Silicon in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. These are widely used as an alloying element and deoxidizer. The range offered by us is available in different compositions, varied grades and finishes to meet the diverse industrial needs.
To connect with specific requirements of our clients, we are active in Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Fluorspar in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Another active drier promotes polymerization to a greater degree than cobalt.
Ferro Silicon Magnesium
As per the requirements of the customers, we are engaged Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Ferro Silicon Magnesium in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Ferro silicon magnesium alloys are master alloys of magnesium with iron and silicon.
Ferro Titanium
Our organization specializes in Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Trading Company of Ferro Titanium in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The metal has a low density, good strength, excellent corrosion resistance, and it is easily fabricated.
Ferro Manganese
Our expertise lies in supplying these high carbon manganese alloys and low carbon manganese alloys in standard as well as customized form to meet with the specifications of our esteemed clients.